For once the title of this entry is somewhat on point and typical for this time of the year. Sadly yes, I am one of those philosophical people who like to reflect on how the past 365 days have flashed by. Let’s face it, a lot happens in 12 months and what better way to cherish those precious moments than by pointing them out in a blog entry.

Here in our office 2016 has definitely been another one for the books; it also marks my first year working for MUHC. For once I’ve decided to save the talk though, so here’s a few pictures instead just to give you an idea of how our year went:


1) Remember Murphy? He’s the super cool dude who took on the Malta Half Marathon in February to help raise funds for Hospice Malta. He’ll be making a comeback in 2017 so be sure to stay tuned.


2) March will definitely go down in history as the month we held the 5th edition of the University Ring Road races. 2016 also saw our first ever title sponsor BRND WGN who helped give the races a bit of a facelift. This crazy bunch have already confirmed their support for 2017.


3) Spring is always the perfect season to make the most out of our University Residence in Lija. Be sure to check it out.

4) Let’s not forget the first in our series of quiz nights that we came up with to help support research in ALS. We are definitely planning to hold more of these in 2017 – laughter guaranteed.


5) Here’s another one from the sequel we held. Our ‘not so serious’ team -Can you believe they actually won the second time round?!


6) 2016 was definitely a lot of fun. This one marks a photoshoot we organised to help promote our merchandise.


7) It was also great to have numerous companies join us throughout the year for team building events.


8) Let’s not forget taking on Lovin Malta’s ‘Millied Challenge’. What a way to end the year!