Upcoming Activity Programme- weekly adult
CET 16 09 19-22 09 19 Programme-MUHC Please see below for a summary of upcoming activities being organised by Malta University Sports & Leisure in [...]
CET 16 09 19-22 09 19 Programme-MUHC Please see below for a summary of upcoming activities being organised by Malta University Sports & Leisure in [...]
CET 23 09 19-29 09 19 Programme-MUHC Please see below for a summary of upcoming activities being organised by Malta University Sports & Leisure in [...]
CET 30 09 19-06 10 19 Programme-MUHC Please see below for a summary of upcoming activities being organised by Malta University Sports & Leisure in [...]
CET 07 10 19-13 10 19 Programme-MUHC Please see below for a summary of upcoming activities being organised by Malta University Sports [...]
CET 14 10 19-20 10 19 Programme-MUHC Please see below for a summary of upcoming activities being organised by Malta University Sports & Leisure in collaboration with Cultural English Tours (CET) from the 14th to the 20th October. For bookings and further information, kindly contact us on info@universitysportsandleisure.com or (+356) [...]
21 10 19-27 10 19 Programme-MUHC Please see below for a summary of upcoming activities being organised by Malta University Sports & Leisure in collaboration with Cultural English Tours (CET) from the 21st to the 27th October. For bookings and further information, kindly contact us on info@universitysportsandleisure.com or (+356) 7979 [...]
28 10 19-03 11 19 Programme-MUHC Please see below for a summary of upcoming activities being organised by Malta University Sports & Leisure in collaboration with Cultural English Tours (CET) from the 28th October to 3rd November. For bookings and further information, kindly contact us on info@universitysportsandleisure.com or (+356) 7979 [...]
CET 04 11 19-10 11 19 Programme-MUHC Please see below for a summary of upcoming activities being organised by Malta University Sports & Leisure in collaboration with Cultural English Tours (CET) from the 4th to 10th November. For bookings and further information, kindly contact us on info@universitysportsandleisure.com or [...]
CET 11 11 19-17 11 19 Programme-MUHC (002) Please see below for a summary of upcoming activities being organised by Malta University Sports & Leisure in collaboration with Cultural English Tours (CET) from the 11th to 17th November. For bookings and further information, kindly contact us [...]
Please see below for a summary of upcoming activities being organised by Malta University Sports & Leisure in collaboration with Cultural English Tours (CET) from the 18th to 24th November. For bookings and further information, kindly contact us on info@universitysportsandleisure.com or (+356) 7979 7075. View Programme [...]